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Oleg's coaching

Each person is unique as well as each question is unique. Therefore it is essential that коуч possesses different approaches. Besides classical coaching, we use the system-phenomenological approach of Bert Hellinger, NLP and many other methods.

An important question is who decides, which tool we will use and what level we should reach? I can answer only – it’s your decision. In a dialogue between two adult people, there is no place to “ I’d know, wouldn’t I?”. Before to make a step, I always ask for permission.

How does it happen?

If you do not live in Brisbane (Australia) – then Skype, WhatsApp, FB messenger and the like. Usually, it is an hour session; the price is USD150 and is paid only after the session.

Coaching session payment Oleg

After the coaching session, pls enter the cost of the session, your e-mail and your card details.

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