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The Hero's Journey for the Good Relationship

Our whole life is a relationship. It is a relationship with loved ones and those far away, with colleagues at work, with partners and friends, with children, with ourselves.

We want to be in contact, to live in love, to cooperate. To receive support, attention and care, as well as to give back, to care, to support. We want to accept and be accepted. But relationships do not always give only the warmth and joy of contact. We don’t always get what we expect. Often, for one reason or another, we cannot build a relationship that satisfies us. And sometimes we can’t build any. We betray, we are betrayed, we run away, and we chase, we hurt, and we wounded. We repeat the usual scenarios once in a while. People change, but the script stays.

So we invite you to the Journey to Relationship—journey to a relationship of the quality that you want. We invite you on your journey to understand the root causes of the familiar scenarios and to go beyond their boundaries.

We invite you on your journey to a relationship in which your soul fills and flourishes.

Oleg Vaynberg

Oleg Vaynberg

Oleg Vaynberg, Brisbane, Australia. A coach and trainer in systemic constellations of the Bert Hellinger Institute (Netherlands), MBA. Author of the program “System solutions in business” and co-author of the famous training ” Hero’s Journey for the Golden Fleece”

Irina Rosenberg

Irina Rosenberg, St. Petersburg, Russia. Psychologist-consultant, leading training groups and groups of personal growth. Author and developer of correctional and educational programs and the famous training ” Energy of Money»

Irina Rosenberg

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